Quick Lift Motorcycle Products

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The Ramp Rack

The Ramp Rack can handle most, if not all, off-road/dirt bikes with a stock wheel base as well as commuter type scooters.

The Ramp Rack tilts to become its own ramp, it can be loaded or unloaded from the right or left side. It comes complete with its own down bar.

The Ramp Rack does not require a licence, tires or a parking space.
The Ramp Rack fits into a 2" receiver hitch and it can be used with the Hi-Low adaptor and or receiver hitch extension

With the Ramp Rack the bike "self centers" to prevent the rocking effect you get with a rail type carrier.

The Ramp Rack can accommodate an off-road motorcycle or a scooter with a short or long wheel base.


The Quick Lift Motorcycle Products "Ramp Rack" is designed to carry one motorcycle weighing 350 lbs or less across the front or rear of the vehicle in a 2" receiver. With the Quick Lift Motorcycle Products "Ramp Rack" the rack IS the ramp.

The Quick Lift Motorcycle Products "Ramp Rack" has an inside and outside adjustable wheel base to fit small diameter wheel/tires like on around town or campus scooters or full size wheel/tires like on/off road bikes.

With the drop in wheel/tire slots your bike does not rock back and forth while you are traveling from home to the desert or anywhere else.


Compact shipping size: 6" high, x 10" wide, x 36" long, and weighs only 40 lbs.

M.S.R.P. $399.95


Last updated 1/23/2015

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